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was working on figuring out my new editing software last night to see how I can place a watermark on the photos I post. I think it's kind of silly to have to do this but I guess it's the reality of today's world where everybody takes and takes and doesn't really care who they are taking from. Still figuring this one out...
It's pumpkin season...I went to the local pumpkin patch the other day to check out the possibilities of some photo sessions...crowded, too sunny...for what I was wanting but the slide looked appealing! Amidst the hustle and bustle, I found a field by my parked car loaded with pumpkins, still on the vine. One pumpkin caught my eye...yellow?! or maybe it's a squash that looks like a pumpkin...???? But yellow! Not often you find a yellow pumpkin. The vines looked dead from frost.
This morning I woke up thinking about the photo I took...somehow a parrallel of how I see life...have to look closer to really find the treasures cause there's just so much other distraction and often disgust around the good stuff. And sometimes I think people get too busy or just really don't care to really look.
I can't figure out yet how to get the photo posted yet...grr...but oh well.
I'm tired of things like facebook...lots of information but lacks the connection. Still thinking on that...
and this little finally out of bed!! ;)